
What is Menometrorrhagia? Menometrorrhagia is a Latin term for irregular menstrual bleeding which occurs during menstruation or during any time

EyeLash Mites

What are EyeLash Mites? The EyeLash Mites  is one of the many parasites that live on the human body without

Cloudy Urine

What is Cloudy Urine? Although urine is usually clear, with a hint of yellow color, having cloudy urine is quite

Ocular Migraine

What is Ocular Migraine? Ocular migraine is a confusing term. The most appropriate term would be a migraine that has

Ingrown Pubic Hair

What is Ingrown Pubic Hair? Ingrown Pubic Hair occur when hair fails to grow into the surface of the skin


What Is Diphallia? It is not surprising to the wild animals to have another organ but in human it is

White Vaginal Discharge

The vagina plays several key roles in maintaining women’s health body. Under normal conditions the vagina performs self-cleaning method wherein

Ductus Venosus

Ductus Venosus Definition Ductus venosus Arantii (after Giulio Cezare Aranzi) is an anatomical structure, a vascular canal, which is only